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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My experience at Quest

By: Victoria Kelly

Day one

It was my first day at quest. After we got off the bus, we went to the lunch room where the teachers called out their students' names. I was in Mrs. Sharp’s art class. Mrs. Sharp’s class is art. That day she told us about our project.

Our project is about a famous artist. I chose Georgia O’Keeth. She is famous for painting flowers.

Here is one of her flowers that I especially like:

Jimson Weed, 1935http://www.fulcrumgallery.com/Georgia-Okeeffe/Jimson


(Go to the above web site to see her flower.)

Day Two

On Day two we mate our tiles. I painted mine black with a white picture on it. We did youpa. Youpa is a thin sheet of plastic. We put water on it. Then you pour paint on it.


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