Sunday, March 30, 2008
A Boy Named Jimmy Cobweb by Yolanda Williams
Once there was a boy by the name of Jimmy Cobweb. He is a fifth grader that goes to Pacific Ocean Elementary. It may sound weird but it is true. Jimmy also has a very weird nickname. It is Ashy Jim. Jimmy is so ashy that when it’s steaming hot outside you may see him wearing some shorts and a short sleeve shirt looking like a big pile of ash. Well that is what all the other kids say when they see him outside wearing those things. Jimmy may not have any friends, but that is okay with him. He is one of six children that his mom has. He has four other brothers and one sister, and they are all very popular and he is not. Jimmy’s mother always tells Jimmy to use lotion, and he does but it is no good. His parents also have tried to do every thing for his ashy problem but nothing would work. However, I wonder when he becomes an adult would he find a cure for all of his ash problems. So let us talk about his adult hood. I also always wondered would he meet true love one day. In addition, he did but he never found a cure for his ash problem. Wait a minute. I cannot skip the whole story and just go to the ashy parts so this is how it all started. His adulthood was very weird because whenever someone saw him they had never seen someone with skin like that. However, by the age of 21, he moved to New York to visit one of his brothers. There he found a woman that asked him, “What’s wrong with your skin?” After that, they begin to talk a lot and that’s when they fell in love. However, Jimmy did not know the girl’s name, so he asked her and she said that her name was Crestele. He did not want to leave Crestele, so he stayed in New York where he met her parents. Her parents lived in a huge house that looked like a castle, and that’s when he found out that she was very rich. When her parents first saw him, all they could see was ash. They wanted to talk to their daughter in peace and went to a room and talked about his skin color. When they came out of the room, they had three bottles of lotion. They asked him if he could get all three bottles of lotion and put on his entire body. In addition, when he came out, he was not so ashy anymore. Well, like five minutes later he was back ashy again. Since her dad was a surgeon, they tried that, but nothing would work for his problem. A couple of weeks after that he was no longer called Ash Jim but Prince Jim because after the surgery he found out that Crestele was a Princess. They decided to get married. When they had gotten married, that really made him a Prince. After that, they had four wonderful children; 2 boys and two girls. When the youngest child turned three, he went back to Mango City for Crestele to meet all of his old friend. They lived happily Ever After. In the end, you must accept the way you are because God made everyone of us different. (No one could do anything about Jimmy’s Problem, but he did find true love.)
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